
Whatsapp connect app

You will learn how to connect whatsapp with MIT App Inventor.

Contact Us form

You will learn to create a contact us form in MIT App Inventor 2

Dynamic wallpaper app

You will learn to create a wallpaper app in Kodular

Morse code translator app

You will learn to create an app which can convert text to morse code and vice versa.

QR Code Generator app

You will learn to create an app that will create QR Code based on the text you enter.

Sign Up page using Firebase Authentication

You will learn to create an advanced sign up page in kodular by using firebase authentication.

Multi language text translation app

You will learn to create an app that can translate your text into any other language you want.

Space Combat Game

You will learn to create a very advanced game in MIT App Inventor.

Shopping list app

You will learn to create an app that will save your text as a shopping list.